Payanam (2011) DVD

Posted by bsl Thursday, December 8, 2011 , , , ,

The plot opens with different type of passengars preparing to board the flight to Delhi. A husband and innocent wife, mimicri artist, a little girl and her parents who has to return to Karachi after her operation in Chennai, a young girl and a guy who teases her and one man goes to toilet and injects drugs. All board to flight and it takes off. Inside the plane some group of people go to toilet and load weapons and hijack the plane. While struggle with pilots one of the engine is damaged and emergency landing is made at Tirupathi Airport. Authorities of government and National Security guards arrive to airport. Terrorists make a demand of 100 Crore Rupees and release of their head Yusuf Khan and a new flight for their escape.

Payanam (2011)  - DVD - Watch Online - Tamil Movie

Movie: Payanam (2011)
Cast: Nagarjuna, Prakash Raj
Lanquage: Tamil
Genre: Action, Crime
English Subtitle: No

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