A tale of revenge, the story is set on the backdrop of Vijayawada and here is Kali (prabhu), a powerful rowdy who uses his muscle power for good cause. He is strongly supported by his henchman Vijay Krishna (mukul) but has a weak brother Shankar (abhimanyu) who is eyeing Kali's chair. Vijay's younger brother Siva (naga chaitanya) is a student and he is kept away from this violence. He also has a girlfriend Gitanjali (amala). One day, Kali gets killed and rumour is spread by Shankar that Vijay has done that. In no time, Vijay also gets killed and this enrages Siva. He decides to take revenge on Shankar and what happens from there forms the rest of the story.
Bejawada (2011) - Watch Online - Telugu Movie
Movie: Bejawada (2011)
Cast: Naga Chaitanya
Genre: Action, Drama, Romance
Language: Telugu
English Subtitle: No
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