After conning and humiliating a Mumbai-based gangster, Anthony Gonsalves, on two different occasions, two con-men, Bhagat Bhosle - who stole a suitcase containing cash - and Chetan Chouhan - who stole his vehicle - end up in Bangkok. Once there, Chetan poses as a social worker and attempts to raise funds for orphans in Somalia as well as win the heart of a wealthy woman, Khushi. Bhagat also ventures on the scene and attempts to win her heart by feigning blindness. The duo make hilarious attempts to outdo each other - little knowing that soon things are going to change after Khushi gets abducted by a vengeful Anthony....
Rascals (2011) w/ Eng Sub - DVD - Watch Online
Movie: Rascals (2011)
Cast: Ajay Devgan, Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Rampal
Lanquage: Hindi
Genre: Comedy, Drama
English Subtitle: Yes
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